Starting a Business in Vietnam

If you consider expanding your business to south east asia and are considering on pursuing the market, Vietnam should be on your list. Based on where its located and the increase in government support, Vietnam has become a reasonable location for business and investment opportunities. With our extensive experience in local market, we can help you with different strategies and recommendations based on your needs to achieve your company’s objective.

in Vietnam

Company Establishment
+ Foreign Company
+ Local Company
+ Representative Office
+ Company Liquidation
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Product Registration
+ Food and Beverage Registration
+ Cosmetics registration
+ Halal registration
+ Industrial Product Registration
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Market Analysis
+ Market Research Analysis
+ Business Intelligence
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Business Matchmaking
+ Local Partner Selection
+ Trade Mission
+ Reverse Trade Mission
+ Supplier Sourcing
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Sales Support
+ Follow Up Support
+ Sales Agent
+ Salesforce Outsource
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Export Import
Import Handling Support
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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Development
+ SOP Drafting Service
+ SOP Internal Audit
+ Mystery Shopping Service
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Immigration Services
+ Business Visa
+ Work Permit
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Tax Services
+ Company Tax Compliance
+ Tax Calculation
+ Tax Planning
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Accounting Services
+ Book-Keeping and Accounting
+ Finance and Cash Management Support
+ Accounting Report
+ Yearly Budget Preparation
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HR Services
+ Employer of Record
+ Payroll Service
+ HR Management and Support
+ Employment Contract Drafting
+ Job Description and Employee Evaluation
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Recruitment Services
+ Headhunter
+ Executive Search
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Purchasing Support
+ Follow Up Support
+ Purchasing Agent
+ Purchasing Outsource
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Why Double M

One Stop Solution

Handle all your official documents, taxes, licenses, bureaucracy and official documents with only one partner.

Flat Fees

Our prices are all-included and we always tell you upfront. We will never surprise you with “hidden” costs.


From the beginning until the finalization of our services, we always keep you updated with the status.

Our Clients:


Our Partners:

Contact Us

    Hoang Anh River View, A01.08
    37 Nguyen Van Huong, Thao Dien,
    District 2, HCMC.
    Phone Office: (+84) 28 7308 3288