Cosmetics Registration in Indonesia

The cosmetics industry is commonly associated with women. With more than 150 million of the population being women, Indonesia is projected to be the fifth largest cosmetics market in the world within the next 10-15 years. This is such an exciting opportunity for international cosmetics manufacturers to take part in the Indonesian market. Before doing so, it is crucial to note that they must first acquire a license from the National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM).

Cosmetics Registration Requirements

There are several documents that must be prepared for cosmetics registration.

  1. Incorporation documents from the importer.
  2. Import license from the importe (In Indonesia,  it is known as Angka Pengenal Impor).
  3. A copy of the cosmetic manufacturer’s Good Manufacturing Process (GMP) certificate (legalized by the Indonesian Embassy of the manufacturer’s country).
  4. Certificate of free sales (issued by the governing body of the principal’s country and legalized by the Indonesian Embassy of the manufacturer’s country).
  5. A Letter of Appointment from the principal to the importer and the applicant of the registration.
  6. Label of the product, written in Bahasa Indonesia, which includes; the product name, product function, application method, composition, manufacturer, name and address of the importer, batch number, net weight, expiration date, and any warnings regarding the ingredients of the product.

Cosmetics Registration Procedure

There are several procedures in cosmetics registration. First, the applicant must prepare all the required documents. Second, the applicant must submit the documents alongside a sample of their product to the BPOM. Upon the submission of their registration documents and the product, the applicant must complete the service fee to the BPOM. After the submission is verified and accepted, the applicant will obtain the cosmetic registration certificate.

How can Double M Help?

Cosmetics registration in Indonesia requires the preparation of multiple documents. Double M strives to help our clients throughout the whole process.Should you have any inquiries, please contact us.

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