Fertilizer Registration in Indonesia

Fertilizer is any material of synthetic or natural origin that is used as plant nutrients. The usage of fertilizers could maintain and improve the quality of crops. As such, this type of product is heavily in demand in agriculture-focused countries. Manufacturers must conduct fertilizer registration in Indonesia before they can market their products in the country.

Why do you Need Fertilizer Registration in Indonesia?

Fertilizer registration is the procedure you must go through in order to obtain registration numbers required for your product to be imported and distributed in Indonesia. In local terms, registration numbers are part of distribution license or izin edar. As fertilizer producers wishing to expand to the Indonesian market, registering your product is an absolute must. With a valid license in hand, you will be able to market your product and gain revenue. On the contrary, selling your products without a valid license could bring you sanctions and legal threats.

Types of Fertilizers in Indonesia

In essence, all fertilizers consist of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). Based on the ingredients, there are several types of fertilizers in Indonesia:
Organic Fertilizers are fertilizers derived from dead plants, animal manure and/or animal parts, and/or other organic wastes that have gone through an engineered process, in solid or liquid form, which can be enriched with minerals and/or beneficial microbes to increase nutrient content and soil organic matter, as well as improving the physical, chemical and/or biological properties of the soil.
A soil improver is a kind of organic fertilizer that is more specialized to substrate the condition, fertility, and structure of the soil. As the main medium for the plants to grow, maintaining the quality of the soil is deemed essential. A soil improver could improve soil conditions and make it healthier for the plants to flourish.
Inorganic fertilizers are made of chemical, physical, and/or biological processes and are manufactured in factories. Inorganic fertilizers are used because they can come into effect quickly. Compared to organic ones, they dissolve quicker and can help the plants immediately.

Requirements of Fertilizer Registration in Indonesia

The requirements for fertilizer registration in Indonesia differ based on the subject who prepare them, producer or importer (in this case is the applicant):
  • Fertilizer Description 
  • Packaging label concept. Label concept must be written in Indonesian and must contain:
  1. Registration number
  2. Name/Trademark/Brand
  3. Type
  4. Nutrient content
  5. contents or net weight of goods
  6. distribution period
  7. rules of use / how to use
  8. production code
  9. the name and address of the manufacturer or importer
  10. manufacturing country
  11. instructions for use
  • Proof of trademark registration/brand certificate from HKI Indonesia 
  • Proof of PNBP Payment
  • Letter of Appointment (LOA) from the owner of the formulation to importer in Indonesia.
  • Importers are required to have business activity related to the Fertilizer trade
  • Deed of company establishment and its amendments
  • Business Identification Number (NIB) as well as API-U or API-P
  • Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP)
  • Company domicile certificate (PKKPR)
  • Resident Identity card of the director of importer
  • Statement of who has the right to sign letters in the context of registration and licensing
  • A stamped statement from the applicant that the required documents are complete and correct

Procedures and Timeline of Fertilizer Registration in Indonesia

There are two procedures of fertilizer registration in Indonesia:

In this phase, Quality Testing and Efficiency Testing are mandatory to proceed before registering the fertilizer.

After the Quality Testing and Efficiency Testing are finalized and the Test Result Certificates are issued, importers can start registering the fertilizers.

Timeline of Fertilizer Registration in Indonesia

The following are the timeline for fertilization registration in Indonesia;

  1. Quality test (PTM or Non-SNI): 5-7 months
  2. Effectiveness test: 5-7 months

(Product Registration to obtain Marketing Authorization License from Ministry of Agriculture):  1 month with 5 years of license validity

How can Double M Help?

Fertilizer Registration in Indonesia has several procedures. With Double M’s help, you can obtain your license with no hassle.

Why Double M

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