Legal Translation in Indonesia

The law in countries around the world is formulated upon their respective cultural and historical characteristics. Therefore, the legal systems rules might be different in each country. A legal document, in its nature, is supposed to be objective and neutral. Consequently, legal translation has emerged as a solution that could enable all parties to understand their respective legal documents. At Double M, we offer legal translation services for several types of documents.

Types of Legal Documents

Court Decisions are documents stating the results and provisions of a lawsuit. If the lawsuit itself involves people from different countries, then there is a need for the court decision to be legally translated.

Patent Procedures are documents stating the right to use and disseminate an invention by the inventor. For product patents that are distributed to other countries, the document may need to be translated to other languages.

Laws and Regulations are considered as the main objects of legal translation. These are the types of documents that are very different in substance in each country, which is why translation is necessary.

For companies employing foreign workers, legal translation are required so that all the terms and conditions in the contract will be understood by all parties

For legal scholars wanting to distribute their works to foreign countries, legal translation are required so that the publications can be read and understood in the audience’s preferred language.

Legal Translation Procedures

In this phase, we will carefully assess and observe the documents sent to the client. We will read it thoroughly, process every point and aspects of the documents in order to formulate accurate translations.

Every country has its own characteristics, cultures, norms, and customs. These aspects are visible on its legal products which differs one from the other. We will conduct a deep research regarding the country of origin of our clients. During the translation process, it will be useful to understand the unique terminologies used in the legal documents.

When translating, we won’t rely on that one specific document that is being translated. In order to ensure the quality of the translation, we will use dictionaries, reference documents, and other legal documents discussing the same subject. With these documents, we will be able to do a cross-reference and understand the terms or words being used and translate them accurately.

Before handing over the translation to our client, we will conduct a final check covering the document in its entirety in order to make sure that there are no mistakes. Furthermore, we will ensure that the legal translation is done objectively.

How can Double M Help?

Legal Translation is an important procedure that can help our clients understand legal documents. Double M is committed to help our clients conduct the process. Should you have any inquiries, please contact us.

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